Monday, April 28, 2008

SRC Politics

Election day one, over. Votes are casted but everything else is still unknown. I heard the turnout for votings is pretty good so that proves IMU students really cares!! I have always been fascinated by politics, no matter how dirty it is, but as controversy sparks during this election and especially it involves my friends, people I know, I just feel I had to say something about it even though as a candidate I should sit on the fence.

First thing first, I feel we should never ever judge a person unless we could claim that we REALLY REALLY know them. And knowing someone doesn't take days, it might take years or maybe forever. I used to judge people by first impression, just to be surprised again and again when the person who gave me kinda bad first impression actually became my good friends at the end while those who at first I feel are nice turns out to be not what I am expecting. The world is like this, its round, everything is unexpected. Sometimes emotions takes over our mind and heart, me myself used to be a very fiery tempered person, and maybe still am, and one simple misunderstanding, maybe one simple sentence or words spoken mistakenly, one second of madness is enough to cause a huge stirr. And little things can develop into something so huge that it can no longer be controlled. It showed how sharp human words can be and its impact, always unpredicatable....

Claims that IMU students are voting based on faculties are absolute nonsense. I have spoken to students of different faculties around IMU and no one, I mean not a single person mentioned that they will vote for the candidate just because they are from medic or pharmacy. And if thats really the case, I feel really bad for nursing candidates as they only have bout maybe 50 students!! So what I am trying to say here is IMU students are adults, they are not that childish to vote blindly, one of the reason they might vote for their batchmate is simply because they know the candidate better than the other candidate, thats all.... And if there is anyone in the election trying to play the PRO-faculty card, definitely will end up as a miserable failure, just like what some party trying to do in the recent Malaysian National Election, trying to play the same old racial-card tricks and look what happen.....

Chin Yeong is someone I knew for long, maybe 3 years, 4 years, I am not sure but she to me, in whatever aspect, is an amazing person. I worked with her as vice for the Malaysian Study Project and despite immense pressure, she took it well and did an unbelievable job. I played a part in persuading her to run for the treasurer post and I did it just for one reason, coz I believe in her. Dominic, in the other hand, is someone I knew maybe for weeks, and as I mentioned earlier, not judging anyone without really know them. So the first impression he gave me is he is someone really outspoken and honest, and if anyone says he is arrogant, I would definitely disagree, at least at this stage. So I believe the issue between them, no matter how controversial it is, has nothing to do with their personalities problem and clearly, just a MISUNDERSTANDING like I mentioned earlier...

As for Chun Kang, some might find his speech on Hustings not that outstanding and his answers to some questions, offensive, but for me, he speaks from his heart and says what he feels right... So is he the one to blame? I really can't answer that....

There is nothing right or wrong, different people has different views on things, and everyone is entitled to speak out what they feel. So I feel its important for us to RESPECT everyone's opinion coz thats the only way we can progress,and again, at the end of the day, we are all IMU students and we are all here JUST to study and excel, aren't we?

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