Thursday, July 24, 2008


It has been real real long since I last update this blog, and in case you are wondering, no its not dead, its just hibernating and now its awake, again.. The initial reason I start this blog is coz I am campaigning for SRC and I am using it as one of my move to convince. But now, it will work as a mean of communication, between me and IMU students, and hopefully, number of readers will again increase with time and through this blog people knows what I am doing and of course, I get to know the concerns of the people...(which is part of my job)

Communication, of course is important. so is information... And to achieve both at the same time, I have set up a Social Concerns Notice Board in atrium, and the board will be updated weekly... It provides information of social events, call for help for the needy and of course, some means of relaxation like music, movies and games, as I believe life in IMU is not just bout study..

So here is the board, try to have a look at it in atrium and let me know what you think k? If you like it, we will be really motivated to continue and improve on it... And of course really thanks to my team of creative directors (Ning, Jeannette, Ching Yik, Chun Wai) for staying with me in SRC till 11 or 12 night to finish up the board every week.... So if the board is nice, credit to their hardwork....

I will be promoting this blog on the board as well soon, with expectation on more suggestions on how I can improve my social concerns job to come :)

And oh ya.... Recently a hamster sneaked into Ning's house and now they are taking care of it... Really hope it would survive and live well, its cute, isn't it?

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